Friday, December 4, 2009

the church

I have been to some differnt churchs in my area and have found that what they have been preaching was not at all of sound doctrine. The more I read the more they (churchs) scare me. Because they are not tell what is to be told from the phoet but lest say what ppl want to hear. That is the love of god and how god loves all don't get me worng that is something that should be said but that the same time why do we not hear about that god hate sin and the sinner. Not only that but why have we started to talk about sex a lot more in the church. My one frind caleb has told about at lot of church form the midwest to the soth that are getting in hot water for this topic of sex and how it is a good thing and how god loves sex when we should be talking about sexual immorality the bible talks more about that then sex being a good thing and how god loves sex.

So al the churchs in the u.s. Keep doing the sermens that the ppl want to hear and not a true sound doctran then I will not be happy with going to a church yes this is sad but when I walk in to one I get this felling that I'm not in a holly place and there for think that the church is now not a place for god but a place of bissnes and I'm not happy about this but I have come to find it true look at the meag churchs they bring ppl in with fals doctrain and they srcach the ears of the ppl but don't give them the hole truth (sound doctrain)

Now I have to ask myself about the truth and I have come to find out that the only way to know the truth is to read the book that the truth has been put in to the BIBLE. So if I stop going to church and read the bible will I get more out of it well I think I will and have. Because when I go now I just sit and read and read I blck out the other ppl and just read the word of god.

So if the church does not teach the sound doctrain then how will we know what it is. I say read the sound doctrain (the bible) and there is one way to take what it says not 2 or 3 and that goes back to my other note about takeing the bible litterly so if you want to read that then go ahead.

The church is not what it was ment to be or anything so I will try to not be with that fuls doctrain and only have the true one briught to my eyes and hart and that is not of what I hear but of what I read

God bless

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